Portfolio update – September 2023

How to achieve financial freedom?It’s easy to say. It’s harder to achieve. For the future me is this journal entry. Starting from the year 2021, I describe the long way, point out the successes and the wrong decisions that I have made. I hope it will also motivate you to build your financial independence.


The beginning of the school year will not be particularly successful in the history of the portfolio. For the first time in a long time, the income dropped below €220.

However, it’s not something I’m very concerned about. The result was strongly influenced by the decline in etf’s position. Subtracting this item, the profit is over €340 – close to the standard profit.

Additionally, my Robocash strategy setup caused new loans to stop coming in. Due to this oversight, a large part of the balance remained uninvested. My mistake.

Portfolio history (last 12 months)
Portfolio summary
Bitfinex Lending€10 544€98
Mintos (EUR)€13 018€141
Mintos (RUB)€2 649€1
Robocash€10 919€99
ETF€2 614-€127**
Total€39 745€213

Bitfinex Lending*

To start, I recommend taking a look at the chart below. The offer’s peak at the beginning of the month significantly raised my blood pressure. Why? Over the past year, I have been hunting for this type of jumps, without success. Two months ago, I changed my strategy to handle standard loans, and now such a jump has occurred.

Unfortunately, I ran out of patience, but I do not regret it. It was impossible to predict, so I still maintain my current strategy of buying loans at current prices.

Below is a chart of completed offers from the last month.

  • Value: $11 138,27
  • Profit (last month): $103,73
  • ROI (last month): 11,33%
  • ROI: 2,68%
  • Investment from: 2020.12

Mintos (Euro €)*

A slight reduction in income from €140 a month ago to €108. The advantage is the reduction in overdue repayments by almost 1/3.

The residual deposit is the result of automatic conversion of closed ruble positions.

  • Value: €12 978,72 (deposit: +€23,48)
  • Profit (last month): €108,38
  • ROI (last month): 10,18%
  • ROI: 14,33%
  • Amount late in repayment: €2 479,32 (change: -€1 208,54)
  • Investment from: 2020.12

Mintos (Rubel rosyjski ₽)*

Position during payout. The wallet is already almost entirely made up of loans from Kviku. Unfortunately, this money is still frozen since the war in Ukraine. Currently in the process of legal proceedings conducted by Mintos.

If you are interested, please visit the Mintos blog where you can follow the ruble thread.

  • Value: 273 527,68 ₽ (withdrawal: -2 427,91 ₽)
  • Profit (last month): 213,08 ₽
  • ROI (last month): 0,65%
  • ROI: 13,24%
  • Amount late in repayment: 273 384,13 ₽ (change: -1 799,52 ₽)
  • Investment from: 2020.12


The most stable position in the portfolio. I would like to remind you that a month ago I topped up Robocash with an additional €3,000. This immediately translated into better results. From €75 a monthly to almost €100. I’m optimistic about October.

  • Value: €10 919,31
  • Profit (last month): €99,41
  • ROI (last month): 11,08%
  • ROI: 12,05%
  • Amount late in repayment: €0,00
  • Investment from: 2021.08


Investment in ETFs is still in the testing phase. For now, I do not plan any major changes in this position.

  • Value: $2 761,20
  • Change (last month): -$134,16**
  • Change (from begining): +$208,46**
  • Investment from: 2022.08

(*) I play open cards. Links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links. If you use them, I will receive a commission. It won’t cost you anything, and often you will get a bonus too – More information can be found on the pages under the specific links.

(**) Due to the nature of the stock market, income should be understood as potential until the position is realized.

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